Says Roux of his work:

“In a world that sometimes leaves some room for improvement in terms of how we treat each other, and the planet that sustains us, much of my work (whether painting, performance/public intervention or writing) is concerned with processing ‘stuff’ that I see in the world that I live in; with reconciling some experience, way of seeing or scientific reality. Some examples of such ‘stuff’ might be imbalances in resources, social censure, consumer consciousness, beauty, species extinction, perversely utilitarian power-tripping at the expense of the planet and everything on it – and so on.

Instead of engaging in the brutality of today’s events directly, more and more, I am choosing tongue-in-cheek satire as a vehicle.

Project Apology, for example, is an ongoing video documentation of my undertaking to apologize, as a self-appointed member of humanity, to non-human species on the planet that are being adversely affected by human activity. The project’s intent is to use satire as a means to deliver a serious message in an unconventionally and ‘amusingly’ palatable, yet provocative manner – in attempting to come to terms, morally and spiritually, with the human implications of our current scientific reality.

The recent couch paintings are intended as a playful metaphor for the human conceptual separation from the rest of the planet. “